About HSL
Why work with Health Spectrum?
HSL's point of difference is having specialised knowledge with several years experience and training in workplace respiratory and hearing health. Carolyn has a health and safety background so understands the range of challenges
a health and safety team faces when having to monitor and control airborne and noise hazards on site.
NZ Registered Nurse (BHSc Nursing)
Specialising in Occupational Health (PGDip Occupational Health)
Experience as a Health and Safety Co-ordinator for large Manufacturer
Specialty is respiratory and hearing protection knowledge
Commit2Fit Respirator Fit Tester and mentor
Work across small, medium and large businesses
Comprehensive knowledge in both health and safety
Carolyn Parris, Director for Health Spectrum Limited (HSL), established 2017.
Specialising in respiratory fit testing, protection and health monitoring relating to exposure to airborne contaminants and noise. We work across multiple industry sectors, e.g. healthcare, collosion and repair, manufacturing, construction, agriculture, horticulture etc.
HSL offers assistance with:
respirator fit testing, train-the-tester programs and fit tester mentoring
health monitoring (hearing, lung function, vision,)
hearing and respiratory protection training/toolbox
training and/or development of respiratory & hearing protection programs
one off site visits and short term assignments to assist with health programs
preliminary site audits of tasks involving respiratory hazards
Specialising in Respiratory and Hearing Protection Services.
HSL has 13 years of experience delivering Respiratory protection training and Hearing protection training and can customize training to suit your needs ranging from boardroom power point presentations, toolbox talks in the workshop to practical demonstrations.
HSL offers assistance with implementing Respiratory Protection and Hearing Conservation Programs. Programs use a 360 approach focusing on many different interventions.
The aim is to consider all workplace factors which could affect the health of those exposed to harmful levels of noise or airborne contaminants e.g. solvents, silica.
All tight fitting respirators disposable and reusable should be individually fitted to the person to ensure it provides a good fit and offers the expected protection. HSL has a fit testing service which tests fit and educates individuals on best fit practices.
Health monitoring is a way to check if the health of workers is being harmed from exposure to substances hazardous to health or other workplace conditions that could put a worker's health at risk.
Do you need a temporary Occupational Health Nurse to kick start or maintain your Occupational Health service?
Get in touch for a free, no obligation consultation,
to discuss about your Company needs.