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Respirator Fit Test Mentoring


Updated: Feb 13, 2024

Who may benefit from some respirator fit test mentoring and support?


  • new to fit testing needing support while still gaining experience.

  • wanting their practice verified to check they have maintained correct practice.

  • seeking help auditing fit testing on site as part of the respiratory protection programme plan

As a given the fit tester must always follow the fit testing protocol exactly e.g. OSHA 1910.134 to produce valid results however with time and practice more insights are gained which can influence fit test outcomes. The mentor can share these insights which have been gained over several years of fit testing.

Here are a few questions which new fit testers may have for a mentor: Qualitative Fit Testing:

1) How should I hold and operate the nebuliser to ensure I'm delivering the correct dose?

2) Do I need to tip the solution out after each fit test or at the end of the fit test day?

3) How do I know when to replace the hood?

4) Why isn't the test subject tasting the solution when I perform the verification test at the end?

5) Does the fit test solution expire?

6) I have lumps in my saccharine solution, can I still use it?

7) What if someone is always unsure if they are tasting the solution during the test?


1) My company are buying a quantitative fit test machine and want me to set it up, how do I do this?

2) What do I do if my daily checks fail?

3) How do a probe different styles of filtering facepiece disposable respirators?

4) How should I be cleaning my reusable respirators I use for sizing samples?

5) Can I use the modified fit test protocol?

6) Can I use any IPA in my machine?

7) What do I do if the sample tubing is full of condensation during fit testing?

General questions:

1) Do I need to ask about medical clearance before fit testing someone?

2) What if none of the filtering facepieces (disposable respirators) fit?

3) What are the care and maintenance requirements if someone needs a reusable respirator?

4) How much time should I allow for fit testing reusable respirators?

5) What training should our team members be getting before their fit test?

6) What if someone cannot wear a tight fitting respirator for medical reasons?

Feel free to contact Carolyn to discuss your mentoring needs, or 0274482934.

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